Speaker and Program Information:
Addressing Pay Equity in an Environment of Increased Scrutiny
Session Description:
Pay equity—the notion that pay levels should be equitable for all employees regardless of their demographic background, including gender and race—is top of mind for many executives. In fact, interest in this topic has reached new levels, as exemplified in previously unimaginable efforts by large organizations (for example, Amazon, Apple, Gap, Salesforce, and UBS) to publicly discuss and disclose their pay equity situation. During this session, participants will learn why companies should be thinking about pay equity, what companies can do to proactively address pay equity using a rigorous data-based approach, and how to prevent pay gaps from arising. The presentation will cover the following topics:
• Why pay equity, now?
• Measuring pay equity
• Driving pay equity
• Communicating pay equity
• Preventing pay gaps
Speaker Bio
Gail Greenfield, Ph.D.
Gail is a Principal in Mercer’s Workforce Strategy & Analytics practice, specializing in diversity and inclusion. Gail has more than 15 years of experience in workforce strategy consulting, helping organizations look closely at their own data, understand the story their data is telling them, and identify interventions that will enable them to drive performance through improvements in the management of their talent.
Gail has extensive experience in conducting diversity-focused internal labor market analyses and pay equity analyses for organizations in a variety of industries, including financial services, insurance, wholesale, transportation, manufacturing, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, and hospitality. Gail also directs the workforce diversity survey of the US cable telecommunications industry that Mercer conducts biennially on behalf of The National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC) and Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT).
Prior to joining Mercer in 2000, Gail was an assistant professor of economics at The College of Wooster. More recently, Gail worked as a senior program officer for the National Research Council.
Gail received her PhD in economics from Claremont Graduate University and her bachelor’s degree in business economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Tower Club, Tysons Corner
800 Towers Crescent Dr. #1700
Vienna, VA 22182
Tentative Program Schedule:
Registration: Time: 08:00 am
Program Welcome (Networking Breakfast): 08:15 am
Program Starts: 08:30 am
Program Concludes: 10:00 am
Informal Conversation time with speakers - 10:00 am-10:30 am
HRLF members: FREE
Non-Members: $100
HRLF members may send a substitute to any program they cannot attend and may bring one guest free during their membership year.