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Title VII at 50: EEOC's Strategic Vision for the 21st Century Workplace

  • Friday, January 10, 2014
  • Arlington, VA


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Title VII at 50: EEOC's Strategic Vision for the 21st Century Workplace

January 10, 2014

Registration Time:

Start Time:

NRECA Conference Center, 4301 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA

Jacqueline Berrien, Chair of the EEOC

Title VII at 50: EEOC's Strategic Vision for the 21st Century Workplace

"Fifty years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the interpretation and enforcement of Title VII and its progeny is still evolving in the workplace, courts, and regulatory agencies. Moreover, even as HR professionals seek to meet traditional equal employment challenges, demographic changes, technological innovations, new legislation, and current events have produced new and emerging challenges. To address these issues, HRLF is honored to welcome Jacqueline Berrien, Chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, to discuss her agency's efforts to meet the challenges and seize upon the opportunities of the 21st Century workplace. Chair Berrien will review the EEOC's strategic priorities, recent changes in equal employment law, and her vision for the next 50 years of Title VII enforcement.

About the Chair:
Jacqueline A. Berrien was sworn in as Chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on April 7, 2010. President Barack Obama nominated Berrien on July 16, 2009, to a term ending July 1, 2014. In announcing her nomination, the President said that Berrien â??has spent her entire career fighting to give voice to underrepresented communities and protect our most basic rights.â? She received a recess appointment to the position on March, 27, 2010, and was confirmed by the Senate for her full term on December 22, 2010.

Chair Berrien came to the EEOC from the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF), where she served as Associate Director-Counsel for five and a half years. In that position, she reported directly to the organizationâ??s President and Director-Counsel and assisted with the direction and implementation of LDFâ??s national legal advocacy and scholarship programs.

From 2001 to 2004, Berrien was a Program Officer in the Governance and Civil Society Unit of the Ford Foundationâ??s Peace and Social Justice Program, where she administered more than $13 million in grants to promote greater political participation by underrepresented groups and remove barriers to civic engagement. During her tenure with the Ford Foundation, Berrien also co-chaired the Fundersâ?? Committee for Civic Participation, a philanthropic affinity group affiliated with the Council on Foundations.

Location: NRECA Conference Center , 4301 Wilson Blvd., Arlington VA 

Front Desk: 703-907-5939 

Metro: Ballston on the Orange Line. Parking at Ballston Common across Wilson Blvd. 

Please do not park in the NRECA building, it is reserved for those that work in the building. 

8:15-9:00am - registration, networking, Continental breakfast
9:00-10:30am - program
10:30-11:00am - informal conversation time with speaker(s) 

HRLF members: FREE 
Non-Members: $100 

HRLF members may send a substitute to any program they cannot attend and may bring one guest free during their membership year.

HR Leadership Forum [HRLF]

1530 Key Blvd, Suite 904

Arlington, VA 22209

(571) 316-0227‬

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